The three most important Real Estate lessons I learned this month - with Glenn McQueenie

I spent last week attending( and giving some training)...and here is what I learned.

From Jeff Glover
( his team sells 1000 homes a year)

The employers of real estate are the Listing agents...the employees of real estate are the buyer agents that run around and sell them.

Based on a 3-year study from his team doing 1000 homes a year, it takes on average 39.5 hours to represent a buyer and 19.5 hours to sell a listing. This is why top buyer agents max out at 3-4 buyers a month, and a top lister can do 7-10 Listings/month.

If you are not getting a lot of referrals it is because you do not have a mission-based business... you are in it for the money only!

3 keys to succeeding with Sellers:

  1. Exposure- production gives you lots of exposure and calls from people you do not know. Also, go expose your gifts to other people, instead of being a secret agent.

  2. Skills- Master scripts, dialogues and sales skills.

  3. Time - It is not time management, it is activity management. Referrals come during 3 "honeymoon phases" with the seller: 7 days after Listing, 7 days after it sells, 7 days after closing.

Finally, the toughest time you will have is with someone whoa has the opposite DISC leading trait. For example, D's have a tough time with "S's" and "I's" have a tough time with "c's" ( He has a great 3-day retreat coming up in 4 weeks for $249.00

From Dan Sullivan at Strategic Coach

Most people spend all their time trying to be " Interesting", instead of "interested" in what the other person is saying. If your customer does not see the "light" of what your saying, they will eventually feel the "heat" of not getting what they want.

You have a choice between being a reactive hero in your business (reacting to crisis, breakdown, blindsided), or be a creative hero and give your clients confidence, clarity, and capability about their future. 80% of our time is spent trying to be a hero to someone that doesn't want a hero.

And when it comes to scheduling, everybody uses up all the time they get in a day...the issue is how they are spending their time.

From Diane Chauvin
(One of our top agents in Windsor)

if you want to sell a home fast and get top dollar for your listing, do not base the value on the recent multiple offer price. That price only happened because the agent priced the listing low, and created an auction.

Instead, price your listing at the asking price of the recent home that got multiple offers. The price the home sold for sold for is not the value... this price is only a result of the asking price.

Keller Williams